Source code for mmdet.core.mask.utils

import mmcv

[docs]def split_combined_polys(polys, poly_lens, polys_per_mask): """Split the combined 1-D polys into masks. A mask is represented as a list of polys, and a poly is represented as a 1-D array. In dataset, all masks are concatenated into a single 1-D tensor. Here we need to split the tensor into original representations. Args: polys (list): a list (length = image num) of 1-D tensors poly_lens (list): a list (length = image num) of poly length polys_per_mask (list): a list (length = image num) of poly number of each mask Returns: list: a list (length = image num) of list (length = mask num) of list (length = poly num) of numpy array """ mask_polys_list = [] for img_id in range(len(polys)): polys_single = polys[img_id] polys_lens_single = poly_lens[img_id].tolist() polys_per_mask_single = polys_per_mask[img_id].tolist() split_polys = mmcv.slice_list(polys_single, polys_lens_single) mask_polys = mmcv.slice_list(split_polys, polys_per_mask_single) mask_polys_list.append(mask_polys) return mask_polys_list