Source code for mmdet.core.mask.structures

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import mmcv
import numpy as np
import pycocotools.mask as maskUtils
import torch

from mmdet.ops.roi_align import roi_align

class BaseInstanceMasks(metaclass=ABCMeta):

    def rescale(self, scale, interpolation='nearest'):

    def resize(self, out_shape, interpolation='nearest'):

    def flip(self, flip_direction='horizontal'):

    def pad(self, out_shape, pad_val):

    def crop(self, bbox):

    def crop_and_resize(self,

    def expand(self, expanded_h, expanded_w, top, left):

    def areas(self):

    def to_ndarray(self):

    def to_tensor(self, dtype, device):

[docs]class BitmapMasks(BaseInstanceMasks): """This class represents masks in the form of bitmaps. Args: masks (ndarray): ndarray of masks in shape (N, H, W), where N is the number of objects. height (int): height of masks width (int): width of masks """ def __init__(self, masks, height, width): self.height = height self.width = width if len(masks) == 0: self.masks = np.empty((0, self.height, self.width), dtype=np.uint8) else: assert isinstance(masks, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(masks, list): assert isinstance(masks[0], np.ndarray) assert masks[0].ndim == 2 # (H, W) else: assert masks.ndim == 3 # (N, H, W) self.masks = np.stack(masks).reshape(-1, height, width) assert self.masks.shape[1] == self.height assert self.masks.shape[2] == self.width def __getitem__(self, index): masks = self.masks[index].reshape(-1, self.height, self.width) return BitmapMasks(masks, self.height, self.width) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.masks) def __repr__(self): s = self.__class__.__name__ + '(' s += f'num_masks={len(self.masks)}, ' s += f'height={self.height}, ' s += f'width={self.width})' return s def __len__(self): return len(self.masks)
[docs] def rescale(self, scale, interpolation='nearest'): """Rescale masks as large as possible while keeping the aspect ratio. For details can refer to `mmcv.imrescale` Args: scale (tuple[int]): the maximum size (h, w) of rescaled mask interpolation (str): same as :func:`mmcv.imrescale` Returns: BitmapMasks: the rescaled masks """ if len(self.masks) == 0: new_w, new_h = mmcv.rescale_size((self.width, self.height), scale) rescaled_masks = np.empty((0, new_h, new_w), dtype=np.uint8) else: rescaled_masks = np.stack([ mmcv.imrescale(mask, scale, interpolation=interpolation) for mask in self.masks ]) height, width = rescaled_masks.shape[1:] return BitmapMasks(rescaled_masks, height, width)
[docs] def resize(self, out_shape, interpolation='nearest'): """Resize masks to the given out_shape. Args: out_shape: target (h, w) of resized mask interpolation (str): see `mmcv.imresize` Returns: BitmapMasks: the resized masks """ if len(self.masks) == 0: resized_masks = np.empty((0, *out_shape), dtype=np.uint8) else: resized_masks = np.stack([ mmcv.imresize(mask, out_shape, interpolation=interpolation) for mask in self.masks ]) return BitmapMasks(resized_masks, *out_shape)
[docs] def flip(self, flip_direction='horizontal'): """flip masks alone the given direction. Args: flip_direction (str): either 'horizontal' or 'vertical' Returns: BitmapMasks: the flipped masks """ assert flip_direction in ('horizontal', 'vertical') if len(self.masks) == 0: flipped_masks = self.masks else: flipped_masks = np.stack([ mmcv.imflip(mask, direction=flip_direction) for mask in self.masks ]) return BitmapMasks(flipped_masks, self.height, self.width)
[docs] def pad(self, out_shape, pad_val=0): """Pad masks to the given size of (h, w). Args: out_shape (tuple[int]): target (h, w) of padded mask pad_val (int): the padded value Returns: BitmapMasks: the padded masks """ if len(self.masks) == 0: padded_masks = np.empty((0, *out_shape), dtype=np.uint8) else: padded_masks = np.stack([ mmcv.impad(mask, out_shape, pad_val=pad_val) for mask in self.masks ]) return BitmapMasks(padded_masks, *out_shape)
[docs] def crop(self, bbox): """Crop each mask by the given bbox. Args: bbox (ndarray): bbox in format [x1, y1, x2, y2], shape (4, ) Return: BitmapMasks: the cropped masks. """ assert isinstance(bbox, np.ndarray) assert bbox.ndim == 1 # clip the boundary bbox = bbox.copy() bbox[0::2] = np.clip(bbox[0::2], 0, self.width) bbox[1::2] = np.clip(bbox[1::2], 0, self.height) x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox w = np.maximum(x2 - x1, 1) h = np.maximum(y2 - y1, 1) if len(self.masks) == 0: cropped_masks = np.empty((0, h, w), dtype=np.uint8) else: cropped_masks = self.masks[:, y1:y1 + h, x1:x1 + w] return BitmapMasks(cropped_masks, h, w)
[docs] def crop_and_resize(self, bboxes, out_shape, inds, device='cpu', interpolation='bilinear'): """Crop and resize masks by the given bboxes. This function is mainly used in mask targets computation. It firstly align mask to bboxes by assigned_inds, then crop mask by the assigned bbox and resize to the size of (mask_h, mask_w) Args: bboxes (Tensor): bboxes in format [x1, y1, x2, y2], shape (N, 4) out_shape (tuple[int]): target (h, w) of resized mask inds (ndarray): indexes to assign masks to each bbox device (str): device of bboxes interpolation (str): see `mmcv.imresize` Return: ndarray: the cropped and resized masks. """ if len(self.masks) == 0: empty_masks = np.empty((0, *out_shape), dtype=np.uint8) return BitmapMasks(empty_masks, *out_shape) # convert bboxes to tensor if isinstance(bboxes, np.ndarray): bboxes = torch.from_numpy(bboxes).to(device=device) if isinstance(inds, np.ndarray): inds = torch.from_numpy(inds).to(device=device) num_bbox = bboxes.shape[0] fake_inds = torch.arange( num_bbox, device=device).to(dtype=bboxes.dtype)[:, None] rois =[fake_inds, bboxes], dim=1) # Nx5 rois = if num_bbox > 0: gt_masks_th = torch.from_numpy(self.masks).to(device).index_select( 0, inds).to(dtype=rois.dtype) targets = roi_align(gt_masks_th[:, None, :, :], rois, out_shape, 1.0, 0, True).squeeze(1) resized_masks = (targets >= 0.5).cpu().numpy() else: resized_masks = [] return BitmapMasks(resized_masks, *out_shape)
[docs] def expand(self, expanded_h, expanded_w, top, left): """see `transforms.Expand`.""" if len(self.masks) == 0: expanded_mask = np.empty((0, expanded_h, expanded_w), dtype=np.uint8) else: expanded_mask = np.zeros((len(self), expanded_h, expanded_w), dtype=np.uint8) expanded_mask[:, top:top + self.height, left:left + self.width] = self.masks return BitmapMasks(expanded_mask, expanded_h, expanded_w)
@property def areas(self): """Compute area of each instance Return: ndarray: areas of each instance """ return self.masks.sum((1, 2)) def to_ndarray(self): return self.masks def to_tensor(self, dtype, device): return torch.tensor(self.masks, dtype=dtype, device=device)
[docs]class PolygonMasks(BaseInstanceMasks): """This class represents masks in the form of polygons. Polygons is a list of three levels. The first level of the list corresponds to objects, the second level to the polys that compose the object, the third level to the poly coordinates Args: masks (list[list[ndarray]]): The first level of the list corresponds to objects, the second level to the polys that compose the object, the third level to the poly coordinates height (int): height of masks width (int): width of masks """ def __init__(self, masks, height, width): assert isinstance(masks, list) if len(masks) > 0: assert isinstance(masks[0], list) assert isinstance(masks[0][0], np.ndarray) self.height = height self.width = width self.masks = masks def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, np.ndarray): index = index.tolist() if isinstance(index, list): masks = [self.masks[i] for i in index] else: try: masks = self.masks[index] except Exception: raise ValueError( f'Unsupported input of type {type(index)} for indexing!') if isinstance(masks[0], np.ndarray): masks = [masks] # ensure a list of three levels return PolygonMasks(masks, self.height, self.width) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.masks) def __repr__(self): s = self.__class__.__name__ + '(' s += f'num_masks={len(self.masks)}, ' s += f'height={self.height}, ' s += f'width={self.width})' return s def __len__(self): return len(self.masks)
[docs] def rescale(self, scale, interpolation=None): """see BitmapMasks.rescale""" new_w, new_h = mmcv.rescale_size((self.width, self.height), scale) if len(self.masks) == 0: rescaled_masks = PolygonMasks([], new_h, new_w) else: rescaled_masks = self.resize((new_h, new_w)) return rescaled_masks
[docs] def resize(self, out_shape, interpolation=None): """see BitmapMasks.resize""" if len(self.masks) == 0: resized_masks = PolygonMasks([], *out_shape) else: h_scale = out_shape[0] / self.height w_scale = out_shape[1] / self.width resized_masks = [] for poly_per_obj in self.masks: resized_poly = [] for p in poly_per_obj: p = p.copy() p[0::2] *= w_scale p[1::2] *= h_scale resized_poly.append(p) resized_masks.append(resized_poly) resized_masks = PolygonMasks(resized_masks, *out_shape) return resized_masks
[docs] def flip(self, flip_direction='horizontal'): """see BitmapMasks.flip""" assert flip_direction in ('horizontal', 'vertical') if len(self.masks) == 0: flipped_masks = PolygonMasks([], self.height, self.width) else: if flip_direction == 'horizontal': dim = self.width idx = 0 else: dim = self.height idx = 1 flipped_masks = [] for poly_per_obj in self.masks: flipped_poly_per_obj = [] for p in poly_per_obj: p = p.copy() p[idx::2] = dim - p[idx::2] flipped_poly_per_obj.append(p) flipped_masks.append(flipped_poly_per_obj) flipped_masks = PolygonMasks(flipped_masks, self.height, self.width) return flipped_masks
[docs] def crop(self, bbox): """see BitmapMasks.crop""" assert isinstance(bbox, np.ndarray) assert bbox.ndim == 1 # clip the boundary bbox = bbox.copy() bbox[0::2] = np.clip(bbox[0::2], 0, self.width) bbox[1::2] = np.clip(bbox[1::2], 0, self.height) x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox w = np.maximum(x2 - x1, 1) h = np.maximum(y2 - y1, 1) if len(self.masks) == 0: cropped_masks = PolygonMasks([], h, w) else: cropped_masks = [] for poly_per_obj in self.masks: cropped_poly_per_obj = [] for p in poly_per_obj: # pycocotools will clip the boundary p = p.copy() p[0::2] -= bbox[0] p[1::2] -= bbox[1] cropped_poly_per_obj.append(p) cropped_masks.append(cropped_poly_per_obj) cropped_masks = PolygonMasks(cropped_masks, h, w) return cropped_masks
[docs] def pad(self, out_shape, pad_val=0): """padding has no effect on polygons""" return PolygonMasks(self.masks, *out_shape)
def expand(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def crop_and_resize(self, bboxes, out_shape, inds, device='cpu', interpolation='bilinear'): """see BitmapMasks.crop_and_resize""" out_h, out_w = out_shape if len(self.masks) == 0: return PolygonMasks([], out_h, out_w) resized_masks = [] for i in range(len(bboxes)): mask = self.masks[inds[i]] bbox = bboxes[i, :] x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox w = np.maximum(x2 - x1, 1) h = np.maximum(y2 - y1, 1) h_scale = out_h / max(h, 0.1) # avoid too large scale w_scale = out_w / max(w, 0.1) resized_mask = [] for p in mask: p = p.copy() # crop # pycocotools will clip the boundary p[0::2] -= bbox[0] p[1::2] -= bbox[1] # resize p[0::2] *= w_scale p[1::2] *= h_scale resized_mask.append(p) resized_masks.append(resized_mask) return PolygonMasks(resized_masks, *out_shape)
[docs] def to_bitmap(self): """convert polygon masks to bitmap masks""" bitmap_masks = self.to_ndarray() return BitmapMasks(bitmap_masks, self.height, self.width)
@property def areas(self): """Compute areas of masks. This func is modified from Only works with Polygons, using the shoelace formula Return: ndarray: areas of each instance """ # noqa: W501 area = [] for polygons_per_obj in self.masks: area_per_obj = 0 for p in polygons_per_obj: area_per_obj += self._polygon_area(p[0::2], p[1::2]) area.append(area_per_obj) return np.asarray(area) def _polygon_area(self, x, y): """Compute the area of a component of a polygon. Using the shoelace formula: Args: x (ndarray): x coordinates of the component y (ndarray): y coordinates of the component Return: float: the are of the component """ # noqa: 501 return 0.5 * np.abs(, np.roll(y, 1)) -, np.roll(x, 1))) def to_ndarray(self): if len(self.masks) == 0: return np.empty((0, self.height, self.width), dtype=np.uint8) bitmap_masks = [] for poly_per_obj in self.masks: bitmap_masks.append( polygon_to_bitmap(poly_per_obj, self.height, self.width)) return np.stack(bitmap_masks) def to_tensor(self, dtype, device): if len(self.masks) == 0: return torch.empty((0, self.height, self.width), dtype=dtype, device=device) ndarray_masks = self.to_ndarray() return torch.tensor(ndarray_masks, dtype=dtype, device=device)
def polygon_to_bitmap(polygons, height, width): """Convert masks from the form of polygons to bitmaps. Args: polygons (list[ndarray]): masks in polygon representation height (int): mask height width (int): mask width Return: ndarray: the converted masks in bitmap representation """ rles = maskUtils.frPyObjects(polygons, height, width) rle = maskUtils.merge(rles) bitmap_mask = maskUtils.decode(rle).astype(np.bool) return bitmap_mask