Source code for mmdet.apis.test

import os.path as osp
import pickle
import shutil
import tempfile
import time

import mmcv
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from mmcv.runner import get_dist_info

from mmdet.core import encode_mask_results, tensor2imgs

def single_gpu_test(model,
    results = []
    dataset = data_loader.dataset
    prog_bar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len(dataset))
    for i, data in enumerate(data_loader):
        with torch.no_grad():
            result = model(return_loss=False, rescale=True, **data)

        if show or out_dir:
            img_tensor = data['img'][0]
            img_metas = data['img_metas'][0].data[0]
            imgs = tensor2imgs(img_tensor, **img_metas[0]['img_norm_cfg'])
            assert len(imgs) == len(img_metas)

            for img, img_meta in zip(imgs, img_metas):
                h, w, _ = img_meta['img_shape']
                img_show = img[:h, :w, :]

                ori_h, ori_w = img_meta['ori_shape'][:-1]
                img_show = mmcv.imresize(img_show, (ori_w, ori_h))

                if out_dir:
                    out_file = osp.join(out_dir, img_meta['ori_filename'])
                    out_file = None


        # encode mask results
        if isinstance(result, tuple):
            bbox_results, mask_results = result
            encoded_mask_results = encode_mask_results(mask_results)
            result = bbox_results, encoded_mask_results

        batch_size = len(data['img_metas'][0].data)
        for _ in range(batch_size):
    return results

[docs]def multi_gpu_test(model, data_loader, tmpdir=None, gpu_collect=False): """Test model with multiple gpus. This method tests model with multiple gpus and collects the results under two different modes: gpu and cpu modes. By setting 'gpu_collect=True' it encodes results to gpu tensors and use gpu communication for results collection. On cpu mode it saves the results on different gpus to 'tmpdir' and collects them by the rank 0 worker. Args: model (nn.Module): Model to be tested. data_loader (nn.Dataloader): Pytorch data loader. tmpdir (str): Path of directory to save the temporary results from different gpus under cpu mode. gpu_collect (bool): Option to use either gpu or cpu to collect results. Returns: list: The prediction results. """ model.eval() results = [] dataset = data_loader.dataset rank, world_size = get_dist_info() if rank == 0: prog_bar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len(dataset)) time.sleep(2) # This line can prevent deadlock problem in some cases. for i, data in enumerate(data_loader): with torch.no_grad(): result = model(return_loss=False, rescale=True, **data) # encode mask results if isinstance(result, tuple): bbox_results, mask_results = result encoded_mask_results = encode_mask_results(mask_results) result = bbox_results, encoded_mask_results results.append(result) if rank == 0: batch_size = ( len(data['img_meta'].data) if 'img_meta' in data else len(data['img_metas'][0].data)) for _ in range(batch_size * world_size): prog_bar.update() # collect results from all ranks if gpu_collect: results = collect_results_gpu(results, len(dataset)) else: results = collect_results_cpu(results, len(dataset), tmpdir) return results
def collect_results_cpu(result_part, size, tmpdir=None): rank, world_size = get_dist_info() # create a tmp dir if it is not specified if tmpdir is None: MAX_LEN = 512 # 32 is whitespace dir_tensor = torch.full((MAX_LEN, ), 32, dtype=torch.uint8, device='cuda') if rank == 0: tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() tmpdir = torch.tensor( bytearray(tmpdir.encode()), dtype=torch.uint8, device='cuda') dir_tensor[:len(tmpdir)] = tmpdir dist.broadcast(dir_tensor, 0) tmpdir = dir_tensor.cpu().numpy().tobytes().decode().rstrip() else: mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(tmpdir) # dump the part result to the dir mmcv.dump(result_part, osp.join(tmpdir, f'part_{rank}.pkl')) dist.barrier() # collect all parts if rank != 0: return None else: # load results of all parts from tmp dir part_list = [] for i in range(world_size): part_file = osp.join(tmpdir, f'part_{i}.pkl') part_list.append(mmcv.load(part_file)) # sort the results ordered_results = [] for res in zip(*part_list): ordered_results.extend(list(res)) # the dataloader may pad some samples ordered_results = ordered_results[:size] # remove tmp dir shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return ordered_results def collect_results_gpu(result_part, size): rank, world_size = get_dist_info() # dump result part to tensor with pickle part_tensor = torch.tensor( bytearray(pickle.dumps(result_part)), dtype=torch.uint8, device='cuda') # gather all result part tensor shape shape_tensor = torch.tensor(part_tensor.shape, device='cuda') shape_list = [shape_tensor.clone() for _ in range(world_size)] dist.all_gather(shape_list, shape_tensor) # padding result part tensor to max length shape_max = torch.tensor(shape_list).max() part_send = torch.zeros(shape_max, dtype=torch.uint8, device='cuda') part_send[:shape_tensor[0]] = part_tensor part_recv_list = [ part_tensor.new_zeros(shape_max) for _ in range(world_size) ] # gather all result part dist.all_gather(part_recv_list, part_send) if rank == 0: part_list = [] for recv, shape in zip(part_recv_list, shape_list): part_list.append( pickle.loads(recv[:shape[0]].cpu().numpy().tobytes())) # sort the results ordered_results = [] for res in zip(*part_list): ordered_results.extend(list(res)) # the dataloader may pad some samples ordered_results = ordered_results[:size] return ordered_results