Source code for mmdet.models.roi_heads.point_rend_roi_head

# Modified from  # noqa

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmcv.ops import point_sample, rel_roi_point_to_rel_img_point

from mmdet.core import bbox2roi, bbox_mapping, merge_aug_masks
from .. import builder
from ..builder import HEADS
from .standard_roi_head import StandardRoIHead

[docs]@HEADS.register_module() class PointRendRoIHead(StandardRoIHead): """`PointRend <>`_.""" def __init__(self, point_head, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert self.with_bbox and self.with_mask self.init_point_head(point_head)
[docs] def init_point_head(self, point_head): """Initialize ``point_head``""" self.point_head = builder.build_head(point_head)
[docs] def init_weights(self, pretrained): """Initialize the weights in head. Args: pretrained (str, optional): Path to pre-trained weights. """ super().init_weights(pretrained) self.point_head.init_weights()
def _mask_forward_train(self, x, sampling_results, bbox_feats, gt_masks, img_metas): """Run forward function and calculate loss for mask head and point head in training.""" mask_results = super()._mask_forward_train(x, sampling_results, bbox_feats, gt_masks, img_metas) if mask_results['loss_mask'] is not None: loss_point = self._mask_point_forward_train( x, sampling_results, mask_results['mask_pred'], gt_masks, img_metas) mask_results['loss_mask'].update(loss_point) return mask_results def _mask_point_forward_train(self, x, sampling_results, mask_pred, gt_masks, img_metas): """Run forward function and calculate loss for point head in training.""" pos_labels =[res.pos_gt_labels for res in sampling_results]) rel_roi_points = self.point_head.get_roi_rel_points_train( mask_pred, pos_labels, cfg=self.train_cfg) rois = bbox2roi([res.pos_bboxes for res in sampling_results]) fine_grained_point_feats = self._get_fine_grained_point_feats( x, rois, rel_roi_points, img_metas) coarse_point_feats = point_sample(mask_pred, rel_roi_points) mask_point_pred = self.point_head(fine_grained_point_feats, coarse_point_feats) mask_point_target = self.point_head.get_targets( rois, rel_roi_points, sampling_results, gt_masks, self.train_cfg) loss_mask_point = self.point_head.loss(mask_point_pred, mask_point_target, pos_labels) return loss_mask_point def _get_fine_grained_point_feats(self, x, rois, rel_roi_points, img_metas): """Sample fine grained feats from each level feature map and concatenate them together.""" num_imgs = len(img_metas) fine_grained_feats = [] for idx in range(self.mask_roi_extractor.num_inputs): feats = x[idx] spatial_scale = 1. / float( self.mask_roi_extractor.featmap_strides[idx]) point_feats = [] for batch_ind in range(num_imgs): # unravel batch dim feat = feats[batch_ind].unsqueeze(0) inds = (rois[:, 0].long() == batch_ind) if inds.any(): rel_img_points = rel_roi_point_to_rel_img_point( rois[inds], rel_roi_points[inds], feat.shape[2:], spatial_scale).unsqueeze(0) point_feat = point_sample(feat, rel_img_points) point_feat = point_feat.squeeze(0).transpose(0, 1) point_feats.append(point_feat) fine_grained_feats.append(, dim=0)) return, dim=1) def _mask_point_forward_test(self, x, rois, label_pred, mask_pred, img_metas): """Mask refining process with point head in testing.""" refined_mask_pred = mask_pred.clone() for subdivision_step in range(self.test_cfg.subdivision_steps): refined_mask_pred = F.interpolate( refined_mask_pred, scale_factor=self.test_cfg.scale_factor, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) # If `subdivision_num_points` is larger or equal to the # resolution of the next step, then we can skip this step num_rois, channels, mask_height, mask_width = \ refined_mask_pred.shape if (self.test_cfg.subdivision_num_points >= self.test_cfg.scale_factor**2 * mask_height * mask_width and subdivision_step < self.test_cfg.subdivision_steps - 1): continue point_indices, rel_roi_points = \ self.point_head.get_roi_rel_points_test( refined_mask_pred, label_pred, cfg=self.test_cfg) fine_grained_point_feats = self._get_fine_grained_point_feats( x, rois, rel_roi_points, img_metas) coarse_point_feats = point_sample(mask_pred, rel_roi_points) mask_point_pred = self.point_head(fine_grained_point_feats, coarse_point_feats) point_indices = point_indices.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, channels, -1) refined_mask_pred = refined_mask_pred.reshape( num_rois, channels, mask_height * mask_width) refined_mask_pred = refined_mask_pred.scatter_( 2, point_indices, mask_point_pred) refined_mask_pred = refined_mask_pred.view(num_rois, channels, mask_height, mask_width) return refined_mask_pred
[docs] def simple_test_mask(self, x, img_metas, det_bboxes, det_labels, rescale=False): """Obtain mask prediction without augmentation.""" # image shape of the first image in the batch (only one) ori_shape = img_metas[0]['ori_shape'] scale_factor = img_metas[0]['scale_factor'] if det_bboxes.shape[0] == 0: segm_result = [[] for _ in range(self.mask_head.num_classes)] else: # if det_bboxes is rescaled to the original image size, we need to # rescale it back to the testing scale to obtain RoIs. if rescale and not isinstance(scale_factor, float): scale_factor = det_bboxes.new_tensor(scale_factor) _bboxes = ( det_bboxes[:, :4] * scale_factor if rescale else det_bboxes) mask_rois = bbox2roi([_bboxes]) mask_results = self._mask_forward(x, mask_rois) mask_results['mask_pred'] = self._mask_point_forward_test( x, mask_rois, det_labels, mask_results['mask_pred'], img_metas) segm_result = self.mask_head.get_seg_masks( mask_results['mask_pred'], _bboxes, det_labels, self.test_cfg, ori_shape, scale_factor, rescale) return segm_result
[docs] def aug_test_mask(self, feats, img_metas, det_bboxes, det_labels): """Test for mask head with test time augmentation.""" if det_bboxes.shape[0] == 0: segm_result = [[] for _ in range(self.mask_head.num_classes)] else: aug_masks = [] for x, img_meta in zip(feats, img_metas): img_shape = img_meta[0]['img_shape'] scale_factor = img_meta[0]['scale_factor'] flip = img_meta[0]['flip'] _bboxes = bbox_mapping(det_bboxes[:, :4], img_shape, scale_factor, flip) mask_rois = bbox2roi([_bboxes]) mask_results = self._mask_forward(x, mask_rois) mask_results['mask_pred'] = self._mask_point_forward_test( x, mask_rois, det_labels, mask_results['mask_pred'], img_metas) # convert to numpy array to save memory aug_masks.append( mask_results['mask_pred'].sigmoid().cpu().numpy()) merged_masks = merge_aug_masks(aug_masks, img_metas, self.test_cfg) ori_shape = img_metas[0][0]['ori_shape'] segm_result = self.mask_head.get_seg_masks( merged_masks, det_bboxes, det_labels, self.test_cfg, ori_shape, scale_factor=1.0, rescale=False) return segm_result